Applications are currently closed. Funding periods: Applications for Fall/Winter readings (September 1 – March 31) typically open in June and applications for Spring/Summer readings (April 1 – August 31) typically open in January.
Please note: Applications received usually exceed available funding and it may not be possible to fund all applications.
Reminder: Each member is eligible for up to three visits per fiscal year. Members can only apply for up to two readings per funding period. Funding periods are: Fall/Winter (September 1 – March 31) and Spring/Summer (April 1 – August 31).
Do not submit more applications than you are eligible for. If you submit more applications than you are eligible for, your applications will not be reviewed.
Please ensure you have reviewed the Ontario Writers-in-the-Schools program guidelines before applying.
Important! You must be logged into your member account in order to submit this form. All members have an account. If you need to reset your password, you can do so at For assistance, please contact